Welcome to Sage

Indigenous Law Center

At SILC, our approach to serving Native American clients is shaped by our extensive experience, deep understanding of the legal issues faced by Indigenous communities, and our longstanding commitment to working with and on behalf of Native communities. With a Board of Directors consisting of a majority of Native Americans, we are confident in our ability to provide effective support.

We deeply understand the critical need to offer legal services to Native Americans. Our passion for this important mission comes from our shared experiences and backgrounds serving Native American and tribal community clients. Witnessing the positive impact of legal aid on those living in poverty within both reservation and urban communities has fueled our dedication to this cause. For many of us, this work is not just a job, but a personal and deeply meaningful commitment, especially as several of our board members are Native American themselves.

This project will be led primarily by Indigenous individuals, and we are committed to a collaborative approach to our work. We will consult with tribal communities and approach our legal practice with confidence, humility, and a deep understanding of the impacts of colonialism and historical trauma. We deeply respect tribal sovereignty, and our relational approach to our work and community ensures we are well-equipped to address both tribal and non-tribal legal issues.

Meet the Team

Board of Directors

  • Chippewa Cree

  • Cowlitz Tribe

  • Nez Perce Tribe

  • Confederate Tribes of the Colville Reservation

  • Coeur d' Alene Tribe